Bertha Lane Mellish, a student at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., disappeared from the College on the 18th of November, 1897, and no trace of her has been found since that time.
The following is a description: She is 20 years old, about 5 feet 5 inches in height, medium build, dark, auburn hair, fair complexion, brown eyes, round face, full lips. Sometimes wore her hair parted and sometimes combed straight back. Very small faint scar in the center of forehead.
When last seen wore a black dress, shaggy, black jacket, black cloth Tam o’ Shanter. Underclothing marked with Mellish. She wore a gray flannel skirt.
The above reward will be paid for the girl alive, by Rev. John H. Mellish of Dayville, Connecticut. In addition to the $50 offered by the Mt. Holyoke College, the family will pay $50 additional for the recovery of the body.
Dayville, Conn., December 10, 1897.